Once software code has developed or enhanced, code deployment is last phase. It is more important to deploy code to get benefit of your investment, but its equally important that its done carefully so as it will give betterment rather than loosing something which was properly functioning!
Here I am putting 4 important points to be considered during code deployment.
1. Start with the business impact
Always and always make sure you list down all business impact during and after deployment of new changes.
2. Drill down into technicalities
Its important to know technical stuff like existing server environment and impact on it after new changes deployed. It is always best practice to drill down technical metrics.
3. Monitor the changes and their impact
Once you deploy changes always monitor for few hours to few days if everything is working fine!
4. Making use of all this data
Its not always 2 X 2 = 4....! Every deployment phase teaches something, and you will be more and more smarter for next deployment strategy.
GrassDew has four main business streams – Consulting Services, Software Solutions, Security Services and Knowledge Services. Our primary focus is on various software development and maintenance services.
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